Monday, January 15, 2018

Quotations Analysis

 1. "Forever is composed of nows."
In order to have something forever you must first have it now. Due to the fact that now symbolizes the present and forever symbolizes from the present to the future. The future gradually becomes the present every day, which explains how the nows, or present days, creates forever.

 2. "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."
It may sometimes seem bad that days cannot be relived, but it has its benefits. The fact that you must continue life without being able to go back in time and alter things gives you the opportunity to grow as a person and have better experiences. It makes life spontaneous and worth it.

 3. "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain." 
Helping others gives off a great feeling. Just knowing that you were able to make another person happy or help them in a great way automatically makes you feel like a better person. Emily feels that as long as she helped one person feel better then her life was complete.

 4. "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry."
The most popular books and movies are popular because of the feelings they gave their audiences. In Emily's eyes, if a book was able to take grasp of her emotions, by making her feel deeply saddened, angry, or happy, then it was a great book.

 5. " This is my letter to the world
        That never wrote to me"
Though Emily feels as though the world never really heard her or helped her, she still left her mark on it. She may feel as though she was a outcast in the world and that is why it never wrote to her.

 6. " Saying nothing sometimes says the most"
Actions speak louder than words. Therefore the act of saying nothing is more of a reaction than actually speaking. Furthermore it shows more intelligence because you are able to control your reactions.

 7. " I dwell in possibility..."
Life is full of possibilities, therefore each person is full of them. Emily felt as though she was consumed in them, and that could have been both a good and bad thing. Each possibility creates another one, and the cycle continues.

 8. "Nature is a haunted house--but Art--is a house that tries to be haunted."
Nature is seen as effortless art while art that is created attempts to look effortless. The inconsistency of nature is what makes it beautiful, and since art is planned it is not as beautiful as nature.

 9. " Parting is all we know of Heaven,
     and all we need of Hell."
When someone passes away we automatically assume that they are going to heaven. Though the thought of that makes us happy, the realization that we loss someone close to us deeply hurts and we sometimes find it hard to get through it.

 10. " I have been bent and broken, but -I hope- into a better shape"
Hope is a powerful thing. Most times having hope in bad situations helps you get through them. Though things have hurt and broken Emily she uses her hope to build herself back up.

 11. " in this short life
       that only lasts ah hour
       how much-how little-is
       within our power."
Since life is considered short you should do everything possible while you're alive. You should test your boundaries to see exactly how far you can go. Things only become impossible when you give up on accomplishing them.

 12. " Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon."
Once you gain the courage to do something for the first time and do it successfully, you have no problem doing it again. This is because the thought of doing it no longer scares you, it instead makes you feel courageous and powerful. In the end you will continue to do that thing, whether it is good or bad.

 13. " To shut your eyes is to travel."
Your imagination can take you anywhere. Their is no boundary on what you can imagine and how realistic it may seem. You could do everything you've always wanted to do by just closing your eyes and imagining it.

 14. "open me carefully"
While it might be good to have someone open up to you, it could also have some bad consequences. Opening up to someone means complete trust of that person. It also creates vulnerability and attachment because you officially know that person. Therefore you should be careful when it comes to being open with someone.

 15. "Till I loved I never liked enough."
In Emily's opinion if she didn't gain love for something or someone then she never truly liked it. This could be because if you truly like something then your feelings should continue to grow towards it. If you do not really like something then the feelings cannot grow because you have no effort to keep it in your life.