Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Lesson Before Dying: Chapters 5-6

Review Questions
Chapter 3:
1. The church is the meeting place for what?
The church was used as a school by Grant and his students.
2. Why does the school only meet for 5 and a half months?
The school only meets for 5 and a half months because the children are needed in the field the rest of the year.
3. Why does Grant go into such detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed?
Grant goes into detail because he is very upset about the situation and because it is the main thing on his mind he decides to vent to his students to cause them grief similar to his.
4. What news does Mr. Farrell bring to the class?
Mr. Farrell tells Grant that Mr. Pichot wanted to speak to him that evening.

Chapter 6:
1. Where has Grant gone?
Grant has gone to Henri Pichot's house to meet with him about Jefferson.
2. Where does he wait?
Grant stands in the kitchen waiting for Mr. Pichot for 2 and a half hours.
3. Why does Edna make Grant reach in order to shake hands?
Edna probably is afraid to get too close to Grant so she tries to be polite from a distance.
4. Why was Grant's behavior insulting to the white man?
Grant spoke with intelligence showing that he was not as dumb as the white man expected him to be.

Quotation Assignment:
Chapter 5, Pg. 39
"I could see how painful it was for most of them to hear this, but I did not stop."
   Grant is very aggravated by the situation with Jefferson so to make himself feel better he lashes out on his students. The students are being punished for being in a situation they did not choose to be in just like Jefferson.
Chapter 5, Pg. 40
"He had known me all my life, and he knew my aunt and all my people before me, but since I had gone off to the university and returned as a teacher, he treated me with great respect."
   During this time is was not normal for a black man, or any black person, to attend college and get a job other than working in the fields or as a house servant. Because Grant was one of the few who did, he was highly respected by many. He was looked on as one of the wiser black men.
Chapter 6, Pg. 47
"To show too much intelligence would be an insult to them. To show lack of intelligence would have been a greater insult to me."
Grant had to monitor the way he spoke to the white men because they were believed to be above him. However, Grant knows that he is just as intelligent as them so he does not let them degrade him in any type of way.

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