Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Advice Column Assignment

Dear Advice Column,
A close friend of my family recently got convicted of a murder and was sentenced to death. His defense attorney could not get him off for the crime, and he actually ended up changing the guy's perspective of himself. Because of this, his grandmother has asked me to visit him in jail and help him "become a man". But I don't know how to really do that and if I eventually figure out how to I don't see the point in doing it. This guy is going to be killed and know one knows exactly when yet. Should I try to help the guy even though his death is inevitable?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, you should try to help him because death is inevitable to us all. All boys someday have to eventually become a man someday and then die.Teaching Jefferson how to become a man before he dies wouldn't hurt a bit because he is going to die as well as us all in this world; therefore, you should help him.
