Thursday, November 30, 2017

Frankenstein Analysis

     Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was overall about an intelligent man, named Victor, creating a unique creature who in the end became a monster. The characteristics of Victor and the monster are similar in some ways. Both the monster and Victor taught themselves and gained peace from nature. They both also adapted to living on their own but longed for companionship of some kind. Because of these similarities I saw Victor and the monster as "frenemies". Though they hated each other they showed compassion for one another at some point in time. When Victor first created the creature, he was not at all a monster. He was very kind and showed love towards humans, it was the bad situations in his life that made him into a bad person. That could be said for Victor as well because in the end his only goal was to destroy the monster. A major theme of the story is desire because every character in the story showed the act of it. Victor desired to fix his faults, the monster desired to have a companion, Justine desired to be believed as innocent, Elizabeth and Victor's father desired for Victor to be happy and well, and Walton desired to have a friend. The book was a tragic story that taught about the power of sadness.

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