Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Macbeth Act 2 Analysis

     Act 2 is a major turning point in the play because Macbeth begins to carry out his plan. A major theme of the act is symbolization because it is a lot of it throughout the act. Before Macbeth goes to murder Duncan he sees a bloody dagger aimed towards his room, and after the deed is done he hears a voice tell of his actions. Macbeth is seeing and hearing those things due to his guilt. He knows that his plan is immoral, however due to his wife being a great influence on him he does it anyway. Lady Macbeth is the dominant person in their marriage and in the story overall. She pushes Macbeth to do everything she wants done with her words in a sense, she knows exactly what to say to him in the various situations they come across. Though the act is very suspenseful humor is brought into it for a slight moment to lighten the mood. However once the murder of Duncan is discovered the mood is dull again. The theme of symbolism is portrayed in the last scene as well through the unusual occurrences that Ross and an old man discuss. The occurrences suggest that major problems and danger are about to come.

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