Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Huckleberry Finn Reflection

     The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was about Huck discovering life on his own. When the book first began, Huck stated that he did not wish to become civilized. However, once he ventured off on his own he did exactly that. Through Huck's journey with Jim he learned more about himself and the world. During his adventures, Huck gained compassion and manners. Being around Jim so much helped him realize that everyone has feelings and that he should be mindful of that. Being around the Duke and King helped him realize that good people should not be took for granted and that he should not always speak what he is thinking. Though Huck learned a lot of good things, it did not stop him from doing bad ones. However, he began to do the things because he needed to instead of because he wanted to. It is not possible for everyone to be good all the time, and Huck shows us the reason why through his journey.
     Huck was not the only one who learned a lot through the story, I did as well. I learned that Huck was overall a good boy who was just free spirited. I also learned that Huck looked up to Tom so much because of his family background. He saw him as an example of how to act because he came from a stable home, unlike Huck. Jim was a vulnerable man because he was very kind. However, if he were to act rude and stubborn in the story then him and Huck would not have ended up with better lives. Lastly, Tom uses his imagination to make his life an adventure everyday. Because Tom has such a stable family, he life is dull. Therefore, he attempts to create adventures on his own. Huck, Jim, and Tom are all good in their own ways, yet they become something great together.

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