Friday, March 2, 2018

Invisible Man Chapter Review

Chapter One
1. The second paragraph alludes back to slavery times and the history of our ancestors.
2. The narrator's grandfather was telling him to kill the white people with kindness. Be completely submissive to them until it hurts them.
3. Booker T Washington was both an American educator and an advisor to presidents. The narrator's viewing is significant because he is very educated and enjoys serving important white men as well.
4. The naked blonde was a tease in a way. The narrator knew he could not neither look away or stare so he felt very uncomfortable.
5. No one can fully understand anything. Though the narrator enjoys his relationship with white people and it is seen as okay, he also feels ashamed because he knows that it isn't right in some way.

Chapter Two
1. The road symbolized the different paths that people went down in life.
2. The narrator sound the statue as both uplifting and stabilizing however it meant more when it was dirty.
3. The diction and syntax used to describe the trustees shows that they are very wealthy and praised upon because of it.
4. Mr. Norton's initial description alludes back to a book about true educated human beings.
5. The narrator feared the sleeping farmer because he was not an intellectual white man. The narrator feels more connected to them, rather than people who do not find great interest in education.
6.  Mr. Norton's enthusiasm is strange because it is for his daughter.
7. The statement foreshadows the situation of Trueblood and its uniqueness.
8. The narrator dislikes hearing Jim's story, yet Mr. Norton is very intrigued by it.
9. Trueblood has a candid tone while telling the story of his incest to the narrator and Mr. Norton; it is as though he is not ashamed.
10. The black community was ashamed of it and would not let Jim explain himself but the white community began to praise him.
11. The wife was planning on getting her sister to give both her and her daughter an abortion.
12. His actions does not surprise the white community because they expect things like that from the black people, however the black community knows that what he did was rare and immoral.
13. Mr. Norton gives Trueblood the money because he feels some form of sympathy for him and his family.

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