Thursday, November 30, 2017

Frankenstein Analysis

     Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was overall about an intelligent man, named Victor, creating a unique creature who in the end became a monster. The characteristics of Victor and the monster are similar in some ways. Both the monster and Victor taught themselves and gained peace from nature. They both also adapted to living on their own but longed for companionship of some kind. Because of these similarities I saw Victor and the monster as "frenemies". Though they hated each other they showed compassion for one another at some point in time. When Victor first created the creature, he was not at all a monster. He was very kind and showed love towards humans, it was the bad situations in his life that made him into a bad person. That could be said for Victor as well because in the end his only goal was to destroy the monster. A major theme of the story is desire because every character in the story showed the act of it. Victor desired to fix his faults, the monster desired to have a companion, Justine desired to be believed as innocent, Elizabeth and Victor's father desired for Victor to be happy and well, and Walton desired to have a friend. The book was a tragic story that taught about the power of sadness.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Macbeth Act 3 Analysis

     In act 3 Macbeth faces the consequences for all of his wrong doing. The theme of the act is paranoia because Macbeth experiences it greatly throughout the act. The witches' prophesy causes him to questions everything, including his loyalty to Banquo. Because the witches' prophesized that Banquo's blood will eventually take the throne, Macbeth has him killed. He states that he will have everyone else who is a threat to his reign on the throne killed as well, like Banquo's son Fleance. Macbeth's thirst for power is an effect of his guilt from the murder of Duncan. He now feels as though he cannot do anything but continue with the plan because their is already a lot of blood on his hands. With the guilt and paranoia building up inside him he begins to see the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth is slowly beginning to lose his sanity and it is visible to everyone, however Lady Macbeth disregards it because she feigns for power more than him.   

Macbeth Act 2 Analysis

     Act 2 is a major turning point in the play because Macbeth begins to carry out his plan. A major theme of the act is symbolization because it is a lot of it throughout the act. Before Macbeth goes to murder Duncan he sees a bloody dagger aimed towards his room, and after the deed is done he hears a voice tell of his actions. Macbeth is seeing and hearing those things due to his guilt. He knows that his plan is immoral, however due to his wife being a great influence on him he does it anyway. Lady Macbeth is the dominant person in their marriage and in the story overall. She pushes Macbeth to do everything she wants done with her words in a sense, she knows exactly what to say to him in the various situations they come across. Though the act is very suspenseful humor is brought into it for a slight moment to lighten the mood. However once the murder of Duncan is discovered the mood is dull again. The theme of symbolism is portrayed in the last scene as well through the unusual occurrences that Ross and an old man discuss. The occurrences suggest that major problems and danger are about to come.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Psalm 120

     The speaker of the psalm is one of God's followers. The follower is explaining that the Lord helps and protects them from bad people.
    In the first stanza the follower asks the lord to protect them from sneaky people and liars. They understand that any time they get into a bad situation the lord will be there to help them.
     In the second stanza he or she explains the punishment for liars and deceitful people. They give an example of what the lord will do to them, such as hurt them with sharp arrows and hot coal.
     Lastly, in the third stanza the follower explains that they hate having to live among hateful people. The follower supports peace, while his or her neighbors do not.
     The overall theme of the psalm is reliability because though the follower has some situations they dislike, they rely on the Lord to fix it all.

Monday, September 25, 2017

King Lear Review

     No Fear King Lear was a great read. It was both very intellectual and entertaining. Though their were a few different plots within the story, they all came together to create one theme in the end, which was deception. The book causes its readers to go beyond the basic text and relate to the story in a emotional way. Though the book is overall a tragedy, it is very humorous and therefore keeps the readers drawn it to. I would highly recommend this book to others who enjoy blunt humor and books that go beyond the pages.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Just His Luck (Pardoner's POV)

     Their once was a Reeve who had a job as a carpenter. However, he was greatly known for his talent in agriculture. His grains and seeds were always very organized, and he never had a conflict with bailiffs or herdsmen. Him and his valuable treasure stay tucked away in the forest within his village. The only company he allowed was his master's, who stopped by occasionally to check on the possessions he left in care of the Reeve.
     On the other side of town lived a Pardoner who lived a very sinful life. Because of the town's oblivious nature however, he was adored by many. He went around deceiving all and showing no remorse for doing so. He was known as a preacher, though in truth he was nothing but a scammer.
    One day, while the Pardoner was doing his daily scamming rounds, he noticed a wagon of great treasure attached to a grey horse. He saw no man so he figured the things were left abandoned. He took no time to think out a plan before he approached the wagon. He nearly began to drool while looking at the treasure, and decided that all of it, including the horse, now belonged to him.
    Suddenly the Reeve emerged from the trees.
"Who might you be?" asked the Reeve.
"Hello sir," said the Pardoner, "I did not mean to trespass or anything. I was just getting my belongings together before I head back into town."
The Reeve stood there in confusion.
"These are your belongings?" asked the Reeve.
"Well of course," said the Pardoner assuring, "and if you have any doubt about it being so you are truly absurd."
The Reeve then realized what was going on, however he did not make it known to the Pardoner. Instead he played along.
"Dear sir," he said, "I have no reason to doubt your words, and I'm sure you would have no reason to say any falsely."
"Very well then," said the Pardoner.
And with that the Pardoner went on his way with his new belongings.
     Once the Pardoner was gone the Reeve made his way back to his home. He first made a great treat, a treat that all animals greatly admired, and filled a large bag with it. After doing so he gathered up every animal on his property and set them free, lastly he headed into town with the large bag of treats and a great jewel.
     The Reeve headed to the Pardoner's home, letting the bag of treats slowly shrink as the food spilled from a small hole purposely put in the bag. Once he got to the Pardoner's home he knocked on the door, interrupting the Pardoner's date with his treasure.
"Do you now have doubt about my earlier statement?" asked the Pardoner.
"No sir not at all," said the Reeve, "In fact I have come to give you a piece of your treasure, it was hidden on the forest floor."
The Pardoner instantly began to admire the jewel.
"Thank you for returning it good sir," said the Pardoner, and with that he shut his door.
The Reeve smiled, his plan was working. He sat down the remaining amount of treats in the bag and walked away.
     After the Reeve left the Pardoner's house he paid a visit to his master.
"My lord," he cried, "something terrible has happened."
"What is it my friend?" asked the lord.
"I woke up this morning with the intention of giving you some gifts, but instead I woke up to a robbery. Both your and my possessions are missing."
"Well that is quite absurd," yelled the lord, "we must find them at once.''
"Some of the villagers saw the Pardoner riding in with a great amount of treasure," said the Reeve.
"Well we shall go pay him a visit then," said the lord.
     Once the Reeve and lord made it to the Pardoner's home they saw great chaos. All of the animals in town, including the ones the Reeve took care of for the lord, were on the Pardoner's property. Townsfolk gathered around in great confusion.
    The lord knocked on the Pardoner's door, but their was no answer.
"This man has taken from all of us and is now hiding," the Reeve announced, "we must get him at once!"
All of the townsfolk help break down the Pardoner's door. They found him inside sleeping in his bed, which was filled with treasure.
"Seize him!" yelled the lord.
And with that the Pardoner was taken into town and punished brutally for his thieving ways. The Reeve was proud of his work.
    After all the chaos died down the Reeve returned to his home with both his and the lord's possessions. He placed the animals where they belonged and placed his treasure back in its place. Though both the Pardoner and Reeve did deceitful and sinful things, the Reeve's actions are justifiable. After all karma does not always have to be dealt out by mother nature.   

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Medieval Women

     During the middle ages women had little to no control of their lives. They could not decide who or when they would marry, what jobs they would have, or how much they would be paid. The society during Medieval times was completely controlled by men. Women had to do as they were told and stay in their "place". Though all women had it hard during this time, how hard they had it depended upon whether or not they were rich or poor. All women had chores or jobs but the poor women would have more than the rich. The main duty of women during this time was to maintain their household. It was very important that they take care of the men in the house. Furthermore, it was vital for the women to birth a baby boy so that he can take control of the land and businesses once his father passed. Because of this most women were impregnated frequently. Since most poor women worked in rich households they would have to take care of both their duties and the rich women's children as well. Rich women were also able to marry earlier than poor women because they were not needed as much for field work. Women during the Middle Ages were greatly relied on but treated as though they were not greatly cared for.


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Introduction to Geoffrey Chaucer

     Geoffrey Chaucer was a popular and admired poet during the Medieval England era. Chaucer is credited for creating iambic pentameter of sonnet, blank verse, and heroic couplet. He is also falsely credited for creating English literature overall. Chaucer was known as a Gothic artist because of his way of writing. He mixed things that opposed each other, such as naturalistic with symbolic and everyday with supernatural. His three sources for his poems was Latin, French, and Italian and he was well known for having mastered art poetical. Chaucer's work was often left unfinished and all of his stories had a naïve narrator which is why Chaucer's attitude toward his poems was often unknown. Each story had two characters with opposing lessons or opinions which created irony within the stories and left the readers with different conclusions of the stories. The Canterbury Tales is credited to be the most imaginative framed collection of stories ever created, though the collection was never finished. The structure of the tales creates the sense of unity with diversity. Each tale may have a different plot, however they all have a connection in some way or form. The collection overall is supposed to be a comedy, but there is tragedy and drama within it as well. Geoffrey Chaucer left a big impression on everyone because of his ability to merge teaching with entertainment, and open the minds of all his readers.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Advice Column Assignment

Dear Advice Column,
A close friend of my family recently got convicted of a murder and was sentenced to death. His defense attorney could not get him off for the crime, and he actually ended up changing the guy's perspective of himself. Because of this, his grandmother has asked me to visit him in jail and help him "become a man". But I don't know how to really do that and if I eventually figure out how to I don't see the point in doing it. This guy is going to be killed and know one knows exactly when yet. Should I try to help the guy even though his death is inevitable?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Lesson Before Dying: Chapters 5-6

Review Questions
Chapter 3:
1. The church is the meeting place for what?
The church was used as a school by Grant and his students.
2. Why does the school only meet for 5 and a half months?
The school only meets for 5 and a half months because the children are needed in the field the rest of the year.
3. Why does Grant go into such detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed?
Grant goes into detail because he is very upset about the situation and because it is the main thing on his mind he decides to vent to his students to cause them grief similar to his.
4. What news does Mr. Farrell bring to the class?
Mr. Farrell tells Grant that Mr. Pichot wanted to speak to him that evening.

Chapter 6:
1. Where has Grant gone?
Grant has gone to Henri Pichot's house to meet with him about Jefferson.
2. Where does he wait?
Grant stands in the kitchen waiting for Mr. Pichot for 2 and a half hours.
3. Why does Edna make Grant reach in order to shake hands?
Edna probably is afraid to get too close to Grant so she tries to be polite from a distance.
4. Why was Grant's behavior insulting to the white man?
Grant spoke with intelligence showing that he was not as dumb as the white man expected him to be.

Quotation Assignment:
Chapter 5, Pg. 39
"I could see how painful it was for most of them to hear this, but I did not stop."
   Grant is very aggravated by the situation with Jefferson so to make himself feel better he lashes out on his students. The students are being punished for being in a situation they did not choose to be in just like Jefferson.
Chapter 5, Pg. 40
"He had known me all my life, and he knew my aunt and all my people before me, but since I had gone off to the university and returned as a teacher, he treated me with great respect."
   During this time is was not normal for a black man, or any black person, to attend college and get a job other than working in the fields or as a house servant. Because Grant was one of the few who did, he was highly respected by many. He was looked on as one of the wiser black men.
Chapter 6, Pg. 47
"To show too much intelligence would be an insult to them. To show lack of intelligence would have been a greater insult to me."
Grant had to monitor the way he spoke to the white men because they were believed to be above him. However, Grant knows that he is just as intelligent as them so he does not let them degrade him in any type of way.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Lesson Before Dying: Chapters 3-4

Discussion Questions
Chapter 3
1. The original plot narrative portrays Jefferson as innocent, however Henri Pichot's insistence that Jefferson is guilty could lead the reader to believe that he did indeed commit the crime.
2. Miss Emma was exhausted from Jefferson's trial and conviction. Grant knew that Miss Emma wanted his help, however he also knew that her mind was isolated and she did not have the energy to beg him for help so she just kept stating that he didn't have to do it.
3. Henri Pichot's back door is used by his workers. Because Grant's aunt used to work for the Pichot's, using the back door symbolizes being less than him. Grant was rankled by using the back door because he knew what message it portrayed.
4. Miss Emma persuaded Henri Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf by emphasizing that she had done a lot for his family. She feels as though Mr. Pichot owes her in some form.

Chapter 4
1. The statement shows that Jefferson's defence attorney tried to portray him as a hog because hogs were carelessly killed frequently.
2. Grant wants to flee town because the way he lives his life is limited there. He is forced to do things he does not want to do. Yet, he stays because he knows that he is needed there.

Quotation Assignment
Chapter 2, Page 15
" But she had not heard me before, and I knew that no matter how loud I screamed, she would not here me now."
2. This quotation characterizes Grant as confined. His personal feelings and opinions are not important to his aunt. He could not refuse to go see Jefferson no matter how much he wished to because his aunt was forcing him to do so.
3. This quote connects to a contemporary issue dealing with the relationship between parents and their children. Parents tend to force their children to do things they do not wish to do. Children are forced to get involved in things they dislike with no objections. The children in those type of situations most likely feel the way Grant did.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

"I Have A Dream"

     The use of the metaphors throughout Dr. King's speech help to express the theme of it. They help the readers and listeners relate to the feelings of him. For example, Dr. King said, "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred,". This metaphor gets across Dr. King's wish for civilized protest in an entertaining way. The use of metaphors causes people to evaluate his sentences, furthermore causing them to remember his words. Because of the unique way he expressed his wishes, people will most likely listen to them. With the many creative and motivational metaphors throughout this speech, it is understandable why the speech is very memorable.
     Dr. King also uses repetition many times which helps point out key points in his speech. By using repetition with certain words, such as, "Now is the time," and, "Let freedom ring," Dr. King is motivating his supporters to believe in him. The use of repetition causes words to seem more powerful and be remembered afterwards. It also causes certain portions of the speech to seem more urgent than others. Dr. King's goal to start an uprising is expressed through his statements involving repetition. The use of the rhetorical device creates emphasis which in return improves the speech. The use of every rhetorical device helps improve Dr. King's speech in a extraordinary way.